Marred in the Potter’s Hand
“4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.”
(Jeremiah 18:4, Holy Bible, KJV)
My clay work is a direct result of the interworking faith, belief and notion that life is to be shaped and molded into the creator’s design.
Using the four essential elements of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, I have discovered how the Earth (clay) is representative of humankind, carried forth by the wind (potter’s hand), causing change and alteration. Water refreshes the senses and spirit, while the Fire refines and strengthens. I use a variety of deliberate hand techniques and also varied glazing mixtures of hue to create stories that leave a lasting impression on the viewer.
My latest works involve combining differing textures and forms that test my skill and display the complexity of life. There is a direct correlation between a vessel of clay and the living, breathing vessel known as humankind. Just as a vessel is created with clay, can be used for honor or dishonor, so can the case be made for a person in the world today.